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Variable definitions

While processing source C++ files, CppBind constructs an internal tree-like structure (IR) which consists of entities corresponding to project directories, files, classes, functions, etc. The entities in IR have parent-child relationship defined via the following hierarchy: root -> directory -> file -> class -> method/property. To tell CppBind that the entity will be exposed to the target language, the user defines API in doxygen style comments or under the type_vars section as described here: Section type_vars. Project configuration is described through the variables used inside API annotations. Using variables allows defining the following: which code should be parsed, how the target code should look, where output should be stored, etc. Variables must be defined under the var_def section of the project yaml configuration file. CppBind provides a default list of variables.

The list of all variables
# Copyright (c) 2022 PicsArt, Inc.
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

  inheritable: false
  default: null
  allowed_on: [ cxx, file_system ]
  options: [ gen_package, gen_enum, gen_class, gen_interface, gen_constructor, gen_method, gen_function, gen_getter, gen_property_getter, gen_property_setter, gen_setter ]

  inheritable: true
  default: '{{_file_name}}'
  allowed_on: [ file, class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template, enum, cxx_function ]

  inheritable: true
  default: 'undefined'
  allowed_on: [ file_system, class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template, enum, cxx_function ]

  inheritable: false
  default: '{{cppbind_helper.get_operator_name(_object_name) if _is_operator|default(False) and "get_operator_name" in cppbind_helper.__dict__ else _object_name}}'
  allowed_on: [ cxx, file_system ]

  inheritable: false
  type: dict
  swift.default: { }
  allowed_on: [ cxx_function, cxx_method, cxx_constructor ]

  inheritable: false
  type: dict
  default: { }
  allowed_on: [ cxx_function, cxx_method, cxx_constructor ]

  inheritable: false
  kotlin.default: 'I{{name}}'
  swift.default: '{{name}}'
  allowed_on: [ class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template ]

  inheritable: false
  default: '{{name}}Impl'
  allowed_on: [ class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template ]

  inheritable: false
  type: list
  default: [ ]
  allowed_on: [ file_system, class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template, enum ]

  inheritable: false
  default: null
  allowed_on: [ file_system, enum ]

  inheritable: false
  default: null
  allowed_on: [ class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template, enum ]

  inheritable: false
  default: null
  allowed_on: [ class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template, enum ]

  inheritable: false
  type: list
  default: [ ]
  allowed_on: [ class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template, enum, cxx_function ]

  inheritable: true
  default: false
  type: bool
  allowed_on: [ class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template ]

  inheritable: false
  type: dict
  allowed_on: [ class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct_template, function_template, method_template, constructor_template ]

  inheritable: false
  type: list
  allowed_on: [ class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template, function_template, method_template, constructor_template ]

  inheritable: false
  default: '{{_is_operator}}'
  type: bool
  allowed_on: [ cxx_method ]

  inheritable: false
  default: false
  type: bool
  allowed_on: [ class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template ]

  inheritable: false
  type: list
  allowed_on: [ cxx_function, cxx_method, cxx_constructor ]
  required_on: [ cxx_function, cxx_method, cxx_constructor ]

  inheritable: false
  type: list
  default: [ ]
  allowed_on: [ class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template, enum ]

  inheritable: false
  default: false
  type: bool
  allowed_on: [ cxx_method, cxx_function, field ]

  inheritable: false
  default: [ ]
  type: list
  allowed_on: [ cxx_method, cxx_constructor, cxx_function ]

  inheritable: true
  default: '{{_current_working_dir}}'
  allowed_on: [ root, dir ]

  inheritable: true
  default: '{{_get_git_repo_url(project_dir)}}'
  allowed_on: [ root, dir ]

  inheritable: true
  type: list
    - '\s*\\internal([\s\S]*?)\\endinternal\s*'
    - '\s*\\internal[\s\S]*'
  allowed_on: [ cxx, file_system, root ]

  inheritable: true
  default: |
    This file is generated by cppbind on {{_output_modification_time}}.
    Please do not change it manually.
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  default: output
  allowed_on: [ cmd_line, dir ]

  inheritable: true
  default: '{{path.join(out_prj_dir, "cxx_out")}}'
  allowed_on: [ cmd_line ]

  inheritable: true
  kotlin.default: '{{path.join(out_prj_dir, "kotlin/source/main/java")}}'
  python.default: '{{path.join(out_prj_dir, "python/src")}}'
  swift.default: '{{path.join(out_prj_dir, "swift")}}'
  allowed_on: [ cmd_line ]

  inheritable: false
  default: '{{path.abspath(source_file_fullname).startswith(path.abspath(out_prj_dir) + path.sep)}}'
  allowed_on: [ cxx ]
  type: bool
  description: "Boolean showing whether the given type is user's type or is the type from standard/3pty lib"

  inheritable: true
  default: false
  type: bool
  allowed_on: [ root, dir ]

  inheritable: false
  default: |
    {%- set regex = comment_del_regex|join('|') -%}
    {{_pure_comment|replace_regex(regex, '')}}
    {%- if enable_source_link_in_comment and source_file_fullname and path.isfile(source_file_fullname) and is_proj_type %}
    Documentation generated from: `{{path.relpath(source_file_fullname, project_dir)}}#L{{_line_number}}
    <{{project_link}}/{{path.relpath(source_file_fullname, project_dir)}}#L{{_line_number}}>`_
    {%- endif %}
  allowed_on: [ cxx ]

  inheritable: false
  default: '{{path.relpath(source_file_fullname, out_prj_dir)}}'
  allowed_on: [ cxx ]

  inheritable: true
  default: example_lib
  allowed_on: [ root, file_system, class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template, enum ]

  inheritable: true
  default: '{{package_prefix}}{{"." if package_prefix}}cppbind'
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  default: '{{path.abspath(path.join(out_dir, helpers_package_prefix|replace(".", path.sep)))}}'
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  default: '{{cxx_out_dir}}'
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  default: exceptions
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  default: std_exc_classes
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  kotlin.default: '{{path.abspath(path.join(_cppbind_extras_dir, "std_helpers/kotlin/cxx"))}}'
  python.default: '{{path.abspath(path.join(_cppbind_extras_dir, "std_helpers/python/cxx"))}}'
  swift.default: '{{path.abspath(path.join(_cppbind_extras_dir, "std_helpers/swift/cxx"))}}'
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  kotlin.default: '{{path.abspath(path.join(_cppbind_extras_dir, "std_helpers/kotlin"))}}'
  python.default: '{{path.abspath(path.join(_cppbind_extras_dir, "std_helpers/python"))}}'
  swift.default: '{{path.abspath(path.join(_cppbind_extras_dir, "std_helpers/swift"))}}'
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: false
  default: null
  allowed_on: [ cxx_function, cxx_method, cxx_constructor ]

  inheritable: true
  default: ''
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  python.default: "pybind_{{package_prefix}}"
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  swift.default: CWrapper
  kotlin.default: wrapper_jni
  allowed_on: [ root, dir ]

  inheritable: false
  default: x86_64
  allowed_on: [ cmd_line ]
  description: "Variable for setting target architecture"

  inheritable: false
  default: [ ]
  allowed_on: [ root ]
  type: list

  inheritable: false
    - ./**/*.h*
  allowed_on: [ root ]
  type: list

  inheritable: false
    - "{{cxx_out_dir}}/**/*.h*"
  allowed_on: [ root ]
  type: list

  inheritable: false
    - .
  allowed_on: [ root ]
  type: list

  inheritable: false
  default: [ ]
  allowed_on: [ root ]
  type: list

  inheritable: false
  default: ''
  allowed_on: [ enum ]

  inheritable: false
  default: [ ]
  allowed_on: [ enum ]
  type: list

  inheritable: false
  default: { }
  allowed_on: [ enum ]
  type: dict

  inheritable: true
  default: "{{path.relpath(cxx_helpers_out_dir, out_prj_dir)}}"
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: false
  python.default: "{{package_prefix + '.' if package_prefix}}{{package}}{{'.' + file + file_postfix if _object_kind != 'dir'}}"
  kotlin.default: "{{package_prefix + '.' if package_prefix}}{{package}}"
  swift.default: ""
  allowed_on: [ dir, cxx ]

  inheritable: true
  kotlin.default: "{{cxx_out_dir + pat_sep + [full_package, 'jni_' + file + file_postfix]|map('replace', '.', pat_sep)|path_join}}.cpp"
  python.default: "{{cxx_out_dir + pat_sep + full_package|replace('.', pat_sep)}}_pybind.cpp"
  swift.default: "{{cxx_out_dir + pat_sep + [package_prefix, package, 'c_swift_' + file + file_postfix]|map('replace', '.', pat_sep)|path_join}}.cpp"
  allowed_on: [ class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template, enum, cxx_function ]

  inheritable: true
  kotlin.default: "{{cxx_out_dir + pat_sep + [full_package, 'jni_' + file + file_postfix]|map('replace', '.', pat_sep)|path_join}}.h"
  python.default: "{{cxx_out_dir + pat_sep + full_package|replace('.', pat_sep)}}_pybind.h"
  swift.default: "{{cxx_out_dir + pat_sep + [package_prefix, package, 'c_swift_' + file + file_postfix]|map('replace', '.', pat_sep)|path_join}}.h"
  allowed_on: [ class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template, enum, cxx_function ]

  inheritable: true
  kotlin.default: "{{out_dir + pat_sep + [full_package, file + file_postfix]|map('replace', '.', pat_sep)|path_join}}.kt"
  python.default: ""
  swift.default: "{{out_dir + pat_sep + [package_prefix, package, file + file_postfix]|map('replace', '.', pat_sep)|path_join}}.swift"
  allowed_on: [ class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template, enum, cxx_function ]

  inheritable: true
  python.default: "{{cxx_out_dir + pat_sep + [package_prefix, pybind_module.split('.')[-1] + '_module']|map('replace', '.', pat_sep)|path_join}}.cpp"
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  python.default: "{{cxx_out_dir + pat_sep + [package_prefix, pybind_module.split('.')[-1] + file_postfix]|map('replace', '.', pat_sep)|path_join}}.cpp"
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  python.default: "{{cxx_out_dir + pat_sep + [package_prefix, pybind_module.split('.')[-1] + file_postfix]|map('replace', '.', pat_sep)|path_join}}.h"
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: false
  default: null
  type: list
  allowed_on: [ class, class_template, class_template_partial_specialization, struct, struct_template ]

  inheritable: false
  default: |
    {%- if action in ('gen_getter', 'gen_property_getter', 'gen_property_setter') -%}
    {%- else -%}
    {%- endif -%}
  options: [ 'copy', 'move', 'take_ownership', 'reference', 'reference_internal', 'automatic', 'automatic_reference' ]
  allowed_on: [ cxx_method, cxx_constructor, cxx_function, field ]

  inheritable: false
  default: [ ]
  type: list
  allowed_on: [ cxx_method, cxx_constructor, field ]

  inheritable: true
  default: false
  type: bool
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  default: hash
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  default: equals
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: true
  default: toString
  allowed_on: [ root ]

  inheritable: false
  default: null
  type: bool
  allowed_on: [ cxx_method ] 

Each variable has the following properties:

  • inheritable indicates whether the variable's value can be inherited from the parent entity or not.
  • default indicates the default value of the variable. The default value is used when the variable isn't explicitly defined by the user and is not inherited from the parent entity.
  • allowed_on indicates parts of the code (files, classes, etc.) where the variable is allowed to be defined. CppBind complains about the definition of a variable on a disallowed entity.
  • required_on indicates the parts of code (files, classes, methods, etc.) where defining the variable is mandatory.
  • type is the type of variable value. Supported types are str, bool, list, and dict. If the type is not defined explicitly, CppBind sets it to str. CppBind complains about the definition of a value other than the variable type.
  • description is an optional property that gives additional information on the variable.
  • options is the list of possible values of the variable. If this property is set, the user can't define any other value of the variable out of this list.

Values for the property allowed_on are divided into groups:

  • file_system - includes dir and file. dir - variable can be defined on a directory. file - variable can be defined on a file.

  • cxx_method - includes method and method_template.

  • cxx_constructor - includes constructor and constructor_template.

  • cxx_function - includes function and function_template.

  • cxx - includes class, class_template, struct, struct_template, constructor, constructor_template, function, function_template, method, method_template, enum and field.

  • cmd_line - includes cmd_line and root. The values mentioned above are special keywords that show the kind of corresponding entity. Variables allowed on root are the ones common for the whole project. For example, out_prj_dir should be defined once and is allowed only on root. There can also be variables allowed on the root but can be overridden. An example of such variable is comment_del_regex which is allowed also on cxx and file_system. For example, it can be defined for the whole project but overridden for a single file. cmd_line indicates that the variable is allowed on the root and can be provided/modified through command-line arguments. For setting/modifying root variable from the command-line, the user needs to provide a value for the command-line option: --target_arch=arm64. User can also specify platform/language-specific value: --mac.python.target_arch=arm64. The value provided by the command-line overwrites the one defined in the vars section. Note that if you use only root as a value for the allowed_on property, the variable cannot be overridden from the command-line.

If the variable is allowed on all the group members, then the group can be used as the value of the allowed_on property. If a variable doesn't have allowed_on property, then it's allowed on all entities.

If the user does not specify a value for a variable, then the default value is used. There are predefined variables that can be used to define the default value for the variable or assign a new value. Here is the list of that variables:

  • path - os.path module (mainly used to join paths).
  • getenv - os.getenv module (used for getting environment variables).
  • _object_kind - kind of the processed object, e.g root, dir, class etc.
  • _current_working_dir - current working directory.
  • _source_modification_time - source code modification time.
  • _output_modification_time - unique datetime-based key which is used for comparing previously generated code with the new one.
  • _pure_comment - doxygen style comment without CppBind API part.
  • _line_number - the line number of the processed source code.
  • source_file_fullname - full path of the processed file.
  • _file_name - the name of the processed file.
  • _is_operator - indicates whether the method is a C++ operator or not.
  • _object_name - the name of the processed object, e.g., class name, method name, etc.
  • _cppbind_extras_dir - the path of the directory containing CppBind configuration default files.
  • cppbind_helper - Python helper module containing helper utility functions.
  • _get_git_repo_url - Python helper function to get the git repo URL corresponding to the directory passed as an argument to this function.
  • get_android_ndk_sysroot - internal helper function to dynamically construct android ndk sysroot path using android ndk installation path.

The variables which are defined before the definition of the current variable also can be used in the default value definition. In case the variable is inheritable, its parent entity context (available variables) is also available when defining the default value of the variable.

Users can write jinja expressions in the vars section, API annotations, and variable default values definitions. Those expressions are being evaluated with the help of the system and current context variables. Mainly, when compiling courses on macOS to generate android Kotlin bindings, clang must be provided with sysroot and target options. For this purpose, there is a target_arch parameter with x86_64 default value, and it can be overwritten with command-line arguments or within the vars section. To use this feature user needs to set the clang_args variable properly. We have it done in our project default config file:

mac.kotlin.target_arch: x86_64
  - --target={{target_arch}}-none-linux-android
  - --sysroot={{get_android_ndk_sysroot(getenv('ANDROID_NDK'))}}

Now let's go through the key variables:

  • action - indicates what should be generated: class, method, etc. Details are here.

  • file - output file name.

  • package - package name which is used with package_prefix to generate the final package ({package_prefix}.{package}).

  • name - name of the class, method, etc. If not specified, then the original name is used.

  • argument_label - dictionary to define the mapping from function original argument names to argument labels. Currently used only for Swift. See more details here: Custom argument names and labels.

  • argument_name - dictionary to define the mapping from function original argument names to changed argument names. Used to change function argument names for the target language. See more details here: Custom argument names and labels.

  • interface_name - name for the generated interface when action is gen_interface.

  • interface_impl_class_name - implementation class's name for the languages that do not support multiple inheritance. It's used with interface_name. For example, if we have a class marked with action: gen_interface, then for Kotlin there is an interface named interface_name and the implementation class named interface_class_name.

  • include - additional includes added in the generated bindings of the target language.

  • code_fragment - code snippets appended to the target code depending on what was tagged with this variable. For example, if an enum is tagged with this variable, the code fragment is appended to the generated enum.

  • header_code_fragment - Code snippets added right before the generated part of the code. For example, if an enum is tagged with this variable, a code fragment is added before the generated enum.

  • footer_code_fragment - code snippets added right after the generated part of the code. For example, if an enum is tagged with this variable, a code fragment is added after the generated enum.

  • include_cxx - additional C++ includes added to generated C bindings.

  • shared_ref - variable to define how the underlying C++ object is managed. If set to false, the underlying object is kept as a raw pointer, otherwise it is managed by a shared pointer. More on memory management can be found here.

  • template - variable for template types/functions to specify all possible types for template parameters. More details are here.

  • is_operator - variable to indicate whether the C++ method is an operator or not. Although its default value is True for operators and False otherwise, there might be cases the C++ operator does not have a matching operator in the target language, or the user wants to generate a regular method instead. For such cases, this variable can be used to override the default value. More details and use cases can be found here.

  • is_exception - indicates an exception class that should be generated (an object of this class may be thrown in the target language).

  • throws - mandatory variable for all methods. It indicates what type of exceptions method can throw.

  • bases_list - variable to define extra types that are additionally implemented by the target type.

  • nullable_return - indicates whether the function can return null value or not. Details are here: Nullable arguments.

  • nullable_arg - list of arguments that can have null value. Examples are here: Nullable arguments.

  • project_dir - root directory of C++ source code, which will be parsed.

  • project_link - link to project source code. The default value is the git repo link if it uses git for version control and an empty string.

  • comment_del_regex - regular expressions to define parts of the comment that should not go to the generated code. The text between internal and endinternal doxygen commands will be ignored by default. If the comment contains only internal, then everything after it is ignored.

  • banner_comment - banner comment used with the CppBind logo as a file header for all CppBind generated files.

  • out_prj_dir - root directory of project output. All includes and imports are generated relative to this directory.

  • cxx_out_dir - root directory where all C bindings is stored.

  • out_dir - directory where generated target language files is saved.

  • is_proj_type - boolean showing whether the given type is the user's type or from standard/3pty lib.

  • enable_source_link_in_comment - boolean variable to define whether source link information should be present in the comments of generated code or not.

  • comment - target code comment. By default, it's a pure comment without parts that match the pattern defined via comment_del_regex.

  • prj_rel_file_name - source file name relative to project root directory.

  • package_prefix - package prefix where generated files is saved.

  • helpers_package_prefix - path relative to out_dir where target language helpers are copied from helpers_dir.

  • helpers_out_dir - directory where helper/util files are copied. The default value is based on helpers_package_prefix, when setting the value for this variable consider updating the value of helpers_package_prefix as well, otherwise Python imports would be broken.

  • cxx_helpers_out_dir - directory where C helper/util files are copied. The default value is cxx_out_dir.

  • exception_helpers_package - package name of standard exception helpers.

  • exception_file_name - file name of standard exception helpers.

  • cxx_helpers_dir - CppBind C++ helpers directory.

  • helpers_dir - directory containing CppBind helpers.

  • overloading_postfix - postfix appended at the end of the generated C binding function name if the function is overloaded.

  • file_postfix - postfix appended to each generated file.

  • pybind_module - package name of the generated pybind package. This variable is only used for Python.

  • c_wrapper_lib_name - library name for generated bindings.

  • target_arch - variable for setting target architecture.

  • clang_args - command-line arguments passed to clang.

  • src_glob - file glob to define source code files that must be processed by clang.

  • src_exclude_glob - patterns to exclude files from processing list.

  • include_dirs - include directories required for parsing. These directories are passed to the clang parser.

  • extra_headers - extra headers to be processed. For example, CppBind uses this variable to process standard exception headers to generate target language bindings.

  • enum_case_name_prefix - string which is added as a prefix of enum fields names.

  • enum_excluded_cases - list of enum cases that must not be exposed in the target language.

  • cxx_helpers_out_rel_path - C helpers output relative path to project output directory. This variable is used for constructing generated C includes.

  • full_package - full package constructed from package_prefix and package. For each target language the construction formula for default value is different. Note that it's used for Python and Kotlin for target package generation and changing it affects generated file paths as well. This variable needs to be synchronized with c_file_fullname, h_file_fullname and file_fullname.

  • c_file_fullname - generated cpp file full name.

  • h_file_fullname - generated header file full name.

  • file_fullname - generated target language file full name. The value of this variable must be synchronized with full_package to correctly generate Python and Kotlin packages. Note: Currently, it is not used for Python which means updating it won't affect on the generated code, instead full_package is used for file full name generation.

  • pybind_module_filename - generated pybind file name containing pybind module code.

  • c_pybind_filename - generated pybind cpp file name containing code which binds all submodules.

  • h_pybind_filename - generated pybind header file name containing includes of all submodules.

  • descendants - list of all derived types of current type. Details can be found here.

  • return_value_policy - policy to define return value lifetime and ownership. Details can be found here: Return value policies.

  • keep_alive - list containing indices of arguments whose lifetimes should be bound to this object's lifetime. The indices are 1-based. See more details here: Keep alive policy.

  • is_c_wrapper_external - boolean to define whether the C binding helpers must be included as from external lib or not (generate include within <> diamonds or not).

  • hash_method - the name of hash method in C++. If users have annotated a method with this name then in each target language an appropriate hash method will be generated. The variable is allowed on root and should be defined once per project.

  • equals_method - the name of equals method in C++. If users have annotated a method with this name then in each target language an appropriate equals method/operator will be generated. The variable is allowed on root and should be defined once per project.

  • tostring_method - the name of toSting method in C++. If users have annotated a method with this name then in each target language an appropriate string converting method will be generated. The variable is allowed on root and should be defined once per project.

  • is_overridden - variable to allow users to define whether the method is overridden or not in the target language. If this variable is not specified then CPPBind will detect if the method is overridden in C++ and apply it to the target language. This variable might be useful when the name of the method is changed in a way that makes it overridden in the target language. In that case the user should explicitly set the value of is_overridden to True. See ElectricBicycle class example here: is_overridden example.


The default value and other properties can be easily overridden. An example demonstrating this:

- !include variable_definitions.yaml
    inheritable: false
    default: My custom banner comment
    allowed_on: [ cxx, file_system ]

Banner comment is overridden here.


It's forbidden to use any other variable that is not listed under the var_def section.


Each variable can have a platform and language-specific values. For this purpose, the variable should be prefixed with platform and/or language, like:

name: Task PyTask MacTask MacPyTask

These are four possible ways to define variable values. Note that you cannot have <language>.<variable> and <platform>.<variable> at the same time. In this case the value for <platform>.<language>.<variable> is ambiguous and CppBind complains about it. Another important thing is that default values also can be specified per platform/language. To specify platform/language-specific default value user needs to use platform and/or language specifier in front of the default keyword, e.g: <platform>.<language>.<default>.

There is a priority order when defining platform/language-specific values. When the user has mixed types of specifications, we pick the one with the highest priority. For example, if the user specifies values for,, name, we pick the first one when generating bindings for mac+python. It means we pick the maximum specified option.

Last update: December 1, 2022