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Application configuration

CppBind application configuration is done via cppbind_config.cfg file, which can be placed under the project root directory. If there is no user-provided application config file, then CppBind uses the default one:

;custom_config_dir = ''
;custom_helpers_dir =
context_def_glob = **/*cppbind.yaml
rule = rules/
all_languages = kotlin, python, swift
all_platforms = android, ios, linux, mac, win

error_limit = -1

parser_start = __API__

log_file =
level = INFO

The application config file contains the following main sections:


If a parameter is missing from the application config file, then the CppBind default value for that parameter will be used. In the above code block, you can see all default values for uncommented parameters. Parameters that are commented on do not have default values.


Keys in sections are case-insensitive and stored lowercase.


The APPLICATION section defines parameters related to the whole application. Let's go over the parameters from this section:

  • custom_config_dir - Directory containing user-defined type converter yaml files. For more details go to Writing type converter.
  • custom_helpers_dir - Directory containing user-defined python modules which can be used in jinja snippets by their names. Modules search is done with /**/<language>/**/*.py pattern. An example can be found in my_lang example. In this example there's a helper module( under helpers/my_lang directory which is used in code_snippets.yaml({%- do my_lang.validate_default_helper_module() -%}).

  • context_def_glob - Glob pattern of project configuration yaml files.

  • rule - Python module defining jinja template contexts. If the user does not want to generate custom code, there's no need to override this parameter.

  • all_languages - List of supported languages.

  • all_platforms - List of supported platforms.

  • error_limit - Amount of errors after which CppBind stops the execution and reports an error. The default value is -1, which means CppBind skips all noncritical errors and only after the execution reports all encountered errors. This parameter can also be set from the command line (-error-limit).


  • parser_start - Tag in the doxygen style comment, after which everything is considered as instructions for CppBind.


  • log_file - Logging file where CppBind logs are stored. If empty, the standard output is considered.
  • level - Logging level.

Log level can be set/modified from command line arguments. -log-level option can be used to set desirable log level from 5 possible values: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL.

Last update: December 1, 2022