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Type converter snippets

Type converter snippets are responsible for defining type information and conversion logic between source and target languages for the given cxx type.

nlohmann::json example

Here is an example of nlohmann::json type converter for Swift:

    is_c_pointer_type: True
    tname: JSON
    swift: String
    c: char *
    sc: UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>
    c_to_cxx: |
      auto {{target_name}} = nlohmann::json::parse({{name}});
    cxx_to_c: |
      auto {{name}}_str = {{name}}.dump();
      auto {{target_name}} = strdup({{name}}_str.c_str());
    swift_to_sc: |
      let {{target_name}} = strdup({{name}})!
    sc_to_swift: |
      let {{target_name}} = String(cString: {{name}})
      defer {
    cxx_include: |
        #include <string.h>
    sc_cleanup: |
        // do some deallocation/cleanup stuff if needed

Here we can see types section defining the given cxx type information. We use the converters section to write conversion logic from source to target languages for the given type. Section key names should be of the following format: <source language> + _to_ + <target language>: where c_to_cxx means that our source is C and target is cxx. This syntax is not mandatory. The user can use any custom name and define the source, target, and snippet information under source, target and snippet subsections:

        source: c
        target: cxx
        snippet: |
            snippet template

More information about writing your own type converters can be found here.

Type converter optional subsections

custom optional subsection keeps help information on the given type for using in snippets. This section is exposed to other sections of type converter, so it can serve as a space for shareable information.

Conversion logic may require usage of some functions or types which must be included from standard or third party libraries. For this purpose we use cxx_include optional section to define all required include directives.

There are cases when you might allocate some data in the conversion phase which need to be released in a different scope/section only after its usage (especially in case of nested structures). In the example above you can see optional sc_cleanup section which can be used to do some deallocations in order not to have memory leakages.

CppBind allows the user to define any custom subsection under the converters section by any name with/without defining source/target attributes and call that snippet as a function to generate some custom code fragments.

Available variables

CppBind provides some predefined variables which can be used inside type converter snippets logic. Here is the list of the most important exposed variables:

  • vars - a namespace containing the variables attached to the type with CppBind API annotations. The list of variables available in this namespace can be found here.

  • cxx - a namespace containing several useful cxx-related fields. Here are the available fields:
    type_name - cxx type name.
    unqualified_type_name - cxx type name without any qualification (without const and volatile).
    canonical_type - an object representing canonical type information of the given type.
    pointee_type - an object representing pointee type information of the given type.
    resolved_type - cxx pointee type or canonical type when the type is a typedef on a pointer/reference.
    canonical_pointee_type - cxx pointee type of the canonical type.
    parent_type - outer type information of the cxx type if the type is nested.
    base_types - a list containing base types cxx information.
    namespace - namespace of the cxx type.
    template_arguments - a list of namespaces containing the template argument cxx type and the kind. The kind field indicates whether the template argument is a type or non-type parameter. Possible values are ElementKind.TEMPLATE_TYPE_PARAMETER and ElementKind.TEMPLATE_NON_TYPE_PARAMETER.
    is_pointer - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is pointer or not.
    is_value_type - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is of value type (not pointer or reference) or not.
    is_lval_reference - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is an lvalue reference or not.
    is_rval_reference - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is an rvalue reference or not.
    is_const_qualified - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is const qualified or not.
    is_polymorphic - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is polymorphic or not.
    is_template - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is a template or not.
    is_function_proto - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is a function prototype or not.
    is_typedef - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is a typedef to another type or not.
    is_enum - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is an enum or not.
    is_bool - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is a boolean or not.
    is_long - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is long or not.
    is_float - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is float or not.
    is_char - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is char or not.
    is_uchar - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type is unsigned char or not.

  • name - source variable name for which the current type converter is called.

  • target_name - output variable name after the cxx type conversion.

  • target_type_name - the type name of the cxx type corresponding to the target language.

  • template_args - the list of the template arguments of the given type. For example, for std::vector<int> this variable will contain cxx type information of the int type.

  • template_args_kinds - the list of the template argument kinds of the given type. For example, for std::array<int, 2> this variable be [ElementKind.TEMPLATE_TYPE_PARAMETER, ElementKind.TEMPLATE_NON_TYPE_PARAMETER]. An element inside this list indicates whether the template argument is a template type parameter or not.

  • descendants - the list of types derived from the given type (is calculated by CppBind). More can be found here.

  • has_api - a boolean variable showing whether the cxx type has CppBind API annotations.

  • template_args_postfixes - the list of names corresponding to template arguments of the cxx type.

  • template_choice - the current template choice for templated types.

  • cppbind_helper - exposed Python module containing helper utility functions.

  • Error - exposed CppBind module to log some error messages in type converter snippets.

  • get_type_converter - exposed helper function to be able to look up type converter by cxx type/type_name. This function can be used to call one type converter sections from another one. For example, if you want to reuse std::string converter logic inside your own converter, you can do the following: {% set string_converter = get_type_converter('std::string') %} {{string_converter.c_to_cxx.snippet(...)}}, where we can pass input/output variable names to snippet function. When the desired type converter is not found, a specific exception is thrown. This default behavior can be changed with the help of an optional error argument: get_type_converter(type, error=False), which will return None in case of a failure.

  • get_type_info - exposed helper function to be able to look up type info by cxx type/type_name. This function can be used to get type information about a specific type. For example, if you want to get information about MyClass type inside your own converter, you can do the following: {% set class_converter = get_type_info('MyClass') %} {{}}. When the desired type info is not found, a specific exception is thrown. This default behavior can be changed with the help of an optional error argument: get_type_info(type, error=False), which will return None in case of a failure.


Available fields under cxx namespace can be accessed via member access syntax: cxx.type_name. Those fields are calculated by CppBind and are read-only. Besides of this usage, CppBind also supports another way to access these fields: cxx_type_name where . is replaced by _. The difference between these two mechanisms is that in the second case the value of the variable can be altered by the converter snippet user when calling the type converter: get_type_converter('int').c_to_cxx.snippet(cxx_type_name='INT').

Type converter search mechanism

When trying to do conversion for a particular type, CppBind starts to search for type converter snippets. CppBind has a special order for type converter search process. Suppose, we want to convert const Task * type where Task is a custom type. At first, we will try to find a converter for const Task *. If not found, we will try to find a converter for unqualified type name: Task *. Later we search for pointee type name, i.e. type name without any sign of pointer or reference: Task. The last candidate is canonical type name, i.e. if Task is typedef to another type, CppBind will try to get the actual type name and find a converter for that type. If after the described whole process no converter is found, CppBind will complain about the usage of a type with non-existing converter.

Last update: December 1, 2022